Get A Piece of The Internet Action

I read the write-up on Wei Ping's blog and was attracted to the novel idea, which I like a lot. I find it rather interesting too and so went to the website to find out more.
From what I've read, it sounds like a great and interesting concept, not to say powerful. The idea shows the power of networks, and also the power of compounding. Instead of using it for savings or investment, in this case, it is applied to people.
Here I reproduce the write-up by Wei Ping here (with his permission of course), which I find is quite comprehensive.
What is Agloco?
Agloco simply means A GLObal COmmunity which is a system that connects online advertiser with the potential customer which is of course, us, as a internet user. It is the only way you can earn money online by doing what you are already doing - simply surfing the web.
Agloco is completely owned by its users where the shares will be sold in London later and is led by a group of professional people including experienced entrepreneurs and managers.
How do I earn money from it?
Join as a a member and the good thing is, it’s FREE. Download the Viewbar (due to be ready in a few weeks time) and just surf as you normally do. You will be paid in various channels:-
1. Members will be paid on a per hour basis based on your monthly usage of the Viewbar up to a maximum of 5 hours per month. Advertisement will be displayed on the Viewbar and the advertiser will pay Agloco and Agloco will reward its member for using the Viewbar.
2. Members who used the referral system to build the community will be rewarded.
3. Members will get a share of commission on what Agloco received from the advertiser when its member purchase a product or services from the advertiser.
However, do note that member will not be paid for recruiting new members into the community or clicking the advertisement on the viewbar.
Is Agloco a scam? Can I trust this company?
It can’t be a scam as it is completely FREE to join Agloco. Agloco is founded by a few successful people, including 8 Stanford graduates, who also founded AllAdvantage, which created some controversy by paying $100m cash money to its user before it crashed to the Dot Com burst in year 2001. The good thing is none of the member complained about being not paid when it went out of business.
How does Agloco makes money for its member?
Agloco generates money for its member through a few channel. Major one are:-
1. Searching - When you use the Viewbar to do a search like how you normally do using Google or Yahoo, Agloco will get paid from the search engine providers.
2. Commission and advertisement - The Viewbar will display targeted advertisement based upon the websites you are visiting and Agloco will get paid a certain amount of commission if members buy something online as a result of viewing the advertisement, which the commission will be passed on to its members.
Step by step guide in joining Agloco
1. Click on the Agloco image above to join and it will prompt you to the following page:

2. Fill in your particular and click the “Click Here To Join” button.
3. Check your email account and click on the link to complete the registration.
4. And that’s it, you should see your referral code and welcome to the family.