Daily Discoveries

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Ice Melted...

HAHa what a title..

What I want to write about was that, there's this observation I made during the window crash drama. Before that, everyone on the bus was very cool. No one talked to anybody, everyone was lost in their own world. There's even this girl sitting on the same row as me, reading some notes, and busy scribbling something during the whole journey. No one smiled much at anybody too. So I joined in the "coolness" and tried to go to sleep.

However, after the shattering drama, suddenly, everyone seems to be talking to everyone, and everybody seems to know everybody. Suddenly, everyone became chatty, friendly, kind, concerned and bothered to smile at each other.

Voila! From total strangers, everyone became acquaintances. This was also also noted by another passenger, who came to Singapore for a business meeting.

And we started chatting. And he apparently knows a colleague of mine. What a small world! :D

Strange isn't it? Sometimes, I do think, everything that happens, happens for a reason. Maybe, fate wanted me to know this person, or the other passengers who were in the same bus as me.

If not for the drama, everyone would have still remained as strangers.

There's another queer observance today. I was walking home after work, taking my own sweet time strolling down the staircase to the MRT. Actually, I don't usually walk like this, there's some certain reason, which I won't divulge here, haha! :P

And then out from the trail of people walking out from the station, there's this girl who was smiling at me and hey, when I looked at her properly, I do know her! She's a friend I've not met for some time. So we chatted and caught up with each other, and even arranged to meet for dinner sometime.

The funny thing was that, I purposedly walked slower for some reason, but instead I met a friend whom I have not met for some time. If I have walked the normal speed I usually do, maybe I would have just missed her. Queer isn't it? :)

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Saved by a Bar!

It was a smooth journey, all the way from Kuala Lumpur to Johor. In fact, it was quite a comfortable ride. I was dozing off most of the time, even thought the tv was on. din know what's going on in the movie too, cos was seated quite far from the tv. so i went to dreamland instead.

After we passed the Johor Checkpoint at the Second Link, as usual, we got onto the bus to be ferried over to the Singapore side for immigration checkpoint.

Most people were packing up, getting ready to bring their luggage down at the other side. As for me, I was on the phone, telling my mum I've safely reach Johor checkpoint. The bus driver started up the engine and slowly pulled out from the parking bay beside a pedestrian walkway. Who knows, that's when the whole drama started.

Out of a sudden, I was jolted out from my conversation with a series of loud bangs which sounded like gunshots from a machine gun. I saw the window next to me cracked and immediately, tiny shards of glass rained on me. I felt as though fireworks are showering on me. Where the tiny shards of glass landed, it hurts. And it's hot. My first instinct was to quickly move away from my seat. I thought someone attacked us, reminding me of those terrorist attacks.

When I looked towards the back of the bus, the windows were all cracked, and the last one was the worst hit. The glass looks as if it is going to crash down any moment. I saw a guy in green, looking dazed, still sitting in his seat, right beside the badly damaged window on the last row.

By now, the bus has stopped moving. Then came along the bus driver, with eyes wide open, looking shocked. He paced up and down the bus aisle, and then went to the back to ask if the guy in green is ok. I saw the guy nodded his head and the bus driver walked back down the aisle, looking at the windows.

He then disappeared down the bus. As for me, I was busy picking out glass pieces from my palm, and a girl sitting at the single seat, same row as me, offered me a tissue. I gladly accepted it and used it to wipe away the glass debris sticking to my jeans and my sweater. The other passengers were all standing up and trying to figure out what happenned. Some went down the bus to find out.

After I've gotten rid of the debris and gotten over the shock, my logical thinking took over. Immediately I took my digital camera from my bag and went down, snapping away at the damages.

As you can see here, this is what happenned to the window which is right beside where I sat. What's worse, there was a piece of metal (you can see the piece of metal on the road in the following pictures) which was sticking through the hole, before the bus driver removed. it.

This was what happenned to the rest of the windows behind my seat. See the cracks on the windows?

Then, this is what caused the whole incident. The walkway roof struck the windows on the right when the bus was turning round the bend. See the piece of metal on the road? That was the piece of metal sticking through the hole in the window right beside where I sat.

The earlier picture could not capture the severity of the last window, so here's another picture. Imagine if you were the guy in green sitting beside this window, would you be shocked?

A passenger exclaimed that she saw the bus driver's hand was shaking when he was making a call after the incident.

After the whole drama, all passengers (about 20) of us) proceeded on to the Singapore immigration before we were transferred to another bus which came about half an hour later.

Thank God, no one was injured. In fact, I felt luckily I managed to escaped unhurt.

Another passenger, sitting behind the girl who offered me tissue paper, analysed that the metal roof first hit the window beside me, and the window bar actually saved my face. If not, the metal piece could have just hit onto my face and hurt me. The bar stopped the metal piece, and it bounced out, before it went on to hit other windows.

What an experience. Waht an adventure. What a close call!

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